Free Guide

The Beekeeper's Toolkit

What's Inside:

Inspection Sheet
• Beekeeping Calendar
• Syrup & Pollen Recipes
• How to Read a Frame
• Equipment Diagram

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You'll Learn:

arrow pointing to bee eggs
Beekeeper's Calendar

When do you harvest honey, treat for varroa and split your hives?

arrow pointing to queen bee
Inspection Sheet

Stop guessing. Use this as your guide when checking your bees.

arrow pointing to bee eggs
Syrup Recipes

Follow these easy recipes for making syrup and pollen patties.

frame of capped honey
Pest ID Guide

Who are the big pests in the hive and what do they look like?

small hive beetle slime

Reading a Frame

Learn how to read a frame & spot food, brood and adult bees.

arrow pointing to bee eggs
Equipment Diagram

All the parts of a Langstroth hive, in order, for easy reference.

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