Free Guide

Your Free BeekeepingĀ Toolkit

free how to start beekeeping book
This kit includes an inspection sheet, Beekeeping Through the Seasons chart and identification guide.
I just need 2 things from you:

What You'll Learn In Our Beekeeping Guide

arrow pointing to bee eggs

Baby Bees

Learn the differences between eggs, larva and capped brood (baby bees) before they hatch and how to spot them.

arrow pointing to queen bee


We'll explain the differences between the queen (only mated female), worker (also female) and drones (males) that make them easily identifiable. 

frame of capped honey


It's key to also know the difference between nectar, honey and pollen, so you're taking the honey ready for harvest.

small hive beetle slime


The key to getting rid of an infestation is being able to spot one. Learn what the main pests you'll find in a hive look like.

Plus! A quiz at the end for you to test your knowledge and a coupon for our online beekeeping class.

This guide is short, but full of helpful information for the beginner beekeeper. Print it out and add it to your inspection book, so you have it as a reference when you're out with the bees.

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