Your First Month Beekeeping - Everything You Need to Know, Do, Prepare So You're READY!
Mar 08, 2025Whether it is your first year or your fifth, picking up bees can be a stressful situation. It doesn't matter what the weather is, or how far you're coming from, pick time is what it is.
In this video below, I'll show you what to prep a few days before you pick up your bees so you have less work to do on pick up day. I also share my beekeeping toolbox and what I have in it for the week-to-week inspections.
Then, we go into the kitchen and make some feed for the bees. This is in the form of 1:1 sugar syrup and pollen patties. I'll also talk about what kind of sugar you can and cannot use and why we don't just feed the bees honey.
Next, we go back outside to do a demo installation of both packages of bees and a nuc. I'll also give you some tips on driving with bees in your car.
A big question is when? I'll address when to stop feeding, when to open the hive for the first time, and when to add an extra box.
We also want to encourage growth, so I have a BIG tip for you getting nuc's so that your bees can grow faster. We'll also talk about checker boarding, another trick the beekeeper uses to encourage bees to build comb faster.
Of course, inspections are a big part of beekeeping, but what you're looking for in your hive during that first month is a little different than other months. I'll explain what to look for in your hive and what you'll want to learn for the coming months so you're ready for beekeeping in the late spring and summer.
And then there's the varroa mite. Should you treat in spring? When? What treatment is best? All these questions and more are answered as well.
Don't forget your FREE toolkit!
This includes an inspection sheet, guide to identifying pests, food and brood in the hive, feeding recipes, beekeeping calendar and more! Best of all, it's totally free. Click here to download the beekeeper's toolkit.
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