Start your beekeeping journey here!
We teach how to raise honey bees in a way that makes sense and is easy to understand.
From beekeeping 101 to advanced beekeeping techniques, there's something for every level beekeeper here.
Read some of my articles below to get started.

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More Articles About Bees & Beekeeping
Bees are responsible for the pollination of many of the fruits, nuts and vegetables we eat.
Blueberries, strawberries, apples, cucumbers, almonds and...
In its basic form, frames and foundation are very simple, but, as with almost everything in beekeeping, different people have different ways of doing ...
The two primary lid styles you're going to come across for the Langstroth style beehive are the telescoping outer cover and the migratory lid.
The smoker is an essential tool for the beekeeper. The kind of kindling you use in your smoker will make lighting your smoker easier and keep it lit, ...
Have you ever seen that board with a hole in the center at a beekeeping website and wondered what it was? Well, I'm here to kind of explain it's pu...
When I started keeping bees, I lived in a studio apartment in downtown Philadelphia. I put the hive on the roof of a parking garage, and it was great!...
Honey, beeswax, propolis, pollen, and royal jelly – these are all products you can harvest from the beehive. The possibilities of what you can do with...
Brood boxes, supers, deeps, mediums, shallows – these are all names for the three different types of boxes or hive bodies you can use on your Langstro...
Apivar strips are quite possibly the easiest mite treatment you can get. They require no tools and there's only two things you have to do - put them i...
There are lots of tricks the beekeeper has to saving time. This is one of my favorites. When I worked for an apiary with 4,000 hives, it was run by ju...
There's a lot to learn when you're first getting started keeping bees. One thing you don't have to worry about is what kind of beehive you should get....
When you inspect a hive, you're usually checking the temper, space, activity, brood, and laying pattern. But there are additional duties you should be...
The small hive beetle is an opportunistic pest found within the beehive. They can't destroy a strong, heavily populated hive in the middle of Summer, ...
A lot of articles and news stories talk about the collapse of the honey bee population and how important it is to help them, but really, it’s all poll...
Beekeeping associations are a great place to network with other beekeepers, learn about beekeeping in your climate, get recommendations for local p...
When you watch the Flow Hive video, everything looks perfect. The honey flows right into the jar. No bees fly into the honey. The honey doesn't go too...
You extracted some honey and now have a bunch of beautiful, drawn out comb. Ideally, you would store it until next Spring/Summer, but how can you do t...
There are different ways to make a solar wax melter. The way I did it is probably the easiest and the fastest way to make one. That's why I chose this...
Summer is a busy time for the bees. As a beekeeper, you may see the bees doing a variety of things that you're not used to - robbing, bearding, gather...
When bees secrete beeswax, it's white. As bees walk over the comb and fill it up with nectar and pollen, the wax turns various shades of orange and ye...